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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
P2F technology +arrow 9
PEAK technology 25
PREMIER advanced technology 9
technology 41
RAAS technology 12
RELIANCE technology 9, 16, 38
RETECHCON retail technology 35, 36, 41, 42
RHEOPLAST technology 1
SAI information technology 42
technology 1
technology 7, 9, 11
SG61 technology 9
SHEET METAL technology 35
SHRIRAM reliable technology 7, 11, 12
SILKROAD technology 9, 35, 41
SINHOT technology 7
SLX technology +circle 9
SMART technology 42
SOFTCROP technology 42
SPI technology-innovation 9
STRETCHMAX technology 5
T intercode technology 9
TA technology 12
TEBITECH technology 3, 5, 10
TECHFUSS technology 42
TECHMO technology in motion 6
TFT-tumble flow technology 12, 37
THINK technology services 42
TI TECHNICA technology 10
TOM technology 11
TPZI technology 9
TS TECHNO SHINE technology 10
U&IT technology simplified 35
UCLID technology 1
VEFT technology +squares 20
VENUS technology +arc 42
VERSANT object technology 9
technology 37
VIDEOCON technology 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34
W ADWIZE technology +ovals 38
technology 12
XCL software technology 42
ZOP technology 11
aqua WIN ro technology +ova 11
banking on technology +glob 42
clean water technology 11
clutch F.C.C. technology 7, 12
clutch FCC technology 12
technology 41
enterprise technology +glob 9
film GRAIN technology 9, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42
food technology +arcs 35
food & technology expo 35
fresh taste technology 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
fresh taste technology +bow 43
hi technology VIDEOCON +fan 11
hi technology VIDEOFAN +fan 11
m TEK high technology 9
m/s software technology net 9
m2 technology +oval 12
micro cellular technology 12
millennium technology 9
ozone clean technology +ova 7
power PATH technology 9
super HPL german technology 19
t TEAM technology 9
P.A.F. technomed 5
APSARA technopop 16
TI technosoft 9
T technovaworld +oval 16
TVC technowalkers 28
nisiki techologies 16
ATK allant techsystems 9
techtricks 42
m-teck 12
tecnica PLUS +deer & oval 9
PRODUTECH tecnologie per la 7
ORONITE d-tect 1
teddy +bear 3
MARU +teddy bear 3
PROCOLD +teddy bear 5
APSARA +teddybear & stars 16
SWITCH tedhnoaid 31
tee magic 25
DUKE masala tee +square 25, 35
VITAL tee 5
BHRING teel hair oil 5
RAJ teel oil +horses 29
RAJ BRAND genuine teel oil 29
RAJ genuine teel oil +oval 29
raja special teel oil +drop 29
teen MINAR 30
teen channel +circles & arc 41
teen khajooor +trees & oval 29
teen parian 3 fairy +fairys 26
EMAMI teen age 3
SCPLS teen 5
YO teen 12
teenage clinic +man & woman 42
EMAMI teenage 3
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